The latest segment of our IBS-Health website, is a review section. Traditionally I have disliked critics, as it is so much easier to sit back and tear into someone's work than to actually do the work yourself. However, the reviews I have indulged myself in are IBS products and to a degree books.
I feel different about reviewing these items, as it is not the same as someone who puts their heart and sole on the line. There will of course be a huge amount of work, to produce the things we review, however it is nice to be able to offer honest criticism of items which are often aggressively sold.
As a lifelong IBS sufferer, there have been numerous disappointments from IBS products who are hoisted by their own petard. Anyone who makes claims, which lead to disappointed IBS sufferers be warned !
Our Low FODMAP Recipe site IBS Sano is getting bigger and bigger. We have hit the 300+ recipe mark, and we keep growing. We have added so much lately it is hard to think where to begin.
The most recent section, is our Global Recipes. We have started off with a few of the most popular cuisines from around the world, and will continue to expand that. We then have plans to do a healthy low FODMAP recipe section which is also very exciting. We are so grateful to all those who are checking the website out every day, it is deeply appreciated. is very proud to present two new websites to further assist your battle with IBS. we have created IBS Curo and IBS Sano to tackle specific areas of IBS. We have a very clear goal, to create the largest free website to help the sufferers of IBS. We are well on the way to achieving that, however the site is growing so large that we became concerned that it will be harder to find specific material for some. In particular we have isolated the basic information for those who may be new to IBS and simply wish to find out the key guidelines. That information is on IBS Curo.
IBS Sano is totally dedicated to the low FODMAP diet. The site contains basic information about the low FODMAP diet, along with FODMAP food lists and a vast selection of low FODMAP recipes. We aim to add to the recipes every day, so there should be something there for you.
From vegan, through to gluten and dairy free, the list of recipes aims to cover every possible dietary requirement and we take a great deal of pride in ensuring that we have a well balanced variety of dishes.
For those who have yet to try the low FODMAP diet, we do recommend that you give it a try. It does not work for everyone, however it has worked for many IBS sufferers and relieves some of the troubling symptoms of IBS.
Sadly one thing that can never be questioned is an IBS sufferers knowledge of restrooms around the world. We spend far too much time in these places, which makes us true experts of the restroom.
A conversation in the office became quite competitive when we described the worst restrooms we have ever visited, with each of us 'lowering the bar'. This was not a pleasant conversation however we think we came up with a pretty good list of the very worst (click on the link to see our list). We have also included some nice restrooms to balance things up a touch!
IBS can bring anything from mild stomach discomfort, through to debilitating pain, and crippling anxiety. Very few, outside IBS sufferers really understand the nature of the condition. We have made it our mission to provide a free website, which offers IBS sufferers the chance to learn more about their condition, and to hopefully find a way forward.
IBS has huge variations in terms of symptoms, therefore aim of the website is to give sufferers the chance the find the right path for them as an individual. We look at all factors that relate to IBS and endeavour to make sure sufferers know that there are others out there who have been through this.
We have no agenda, we are entirely independent and the site is written by IBS sufferers. Our long term aim is to create the largest IBS information website, and to always keep it free. We hope that if you have IBS, or know someone with IBS that you send them our website link
We would also just like to thank those who have already been using the site. We are absolutely thrilled with the response and are deeply grateful for the kind messages.
The following charts how I went from being the most spectacularly average student to a first class student through simple diet changes. I begin this tale with a sample report remark from my French teacher:
‘Philip generally sets himself very low targets, which he often fails to achieve’.
Kudos for that comment sir, I did not know you had it in you. I have no issue with that report, it was one of many similar comments from the time. I was regarded as a typical lazy teenage boy, clever but lazy. I had plenty of friends and by and large this contributed to the idea that I was just lazy.
I grew up with quite severe IBS, at a time when nothing was really known about IBS and nothing could be done. Diet was also a subject in its infancy so it was no surprise that when I reported that I had digestive problems to my Doctor that nothing ever really happened.
School came and went, and I left with grades befitting a lazy teenage boy. I’d been to an excellent school and failed to advantage. Next came real life, I worked in hotels for a few years before deciding to go back into education. I went to college and returned to my comfort zone, of average grades.
IBS was still a huge problem and my diet was pretty terrible when I look back, halfway through a course I decided I didn’t want to go on and as this fulfilled my ‘waster’ profile no one batted an eye. So having completed one average year, so that if I ever wanted to go back I could, life carried on. The IBS was still awful so I went to see the Doctor again and whilst waiting for a blood test got talking to a nurse. It is no exaggeration to say the conversation with that nurse changed my life.
Wonderful Nurse
Unlike the Doctor she had time to listen to me, and quickly realised there was a problem with my diet, I was in my early twenties by this point. The suggestions she made (cutting out wheat and dairy to start) had such a profound effect so quickly that from that point on things changed.
I went back to college, and got top grades across the board, then off to University. At uni I gained a First Class Honours Degree and did so with straight firsts in my finals. All of this happened because of a simple change of diet. My moods went, my energy arose and I started to finally live up to my potential.
This lead to some of the greatest times of my life, it was like a butterfly leaving its cocoon, I get a big grin on my face just thinking about it. Since that time I have crammed in so much that I now feel like a very lucky guy indeed, but the crazy thing is I could have missed out on all that if it wasn’t for that nurse ‘Mrs Driver’.
I dread to think about all the stuff I’d of missed if I hadn’t made those changes. My life continues to not disappoint. Diet can be spectacularly powerful, my academic record is there as a statement of fact, without knowing about the dietary changes you would find the difference in my results as inexplicable. How does an average Mr Lazy turn into a straight A student ?
Changing diet will not have such a profound effect on everyone, I write this blog to make that point that you must not diminish it’s importance, for some a simple look at what you consume could change your life.
People don't realise that IBS can be painful. Is associated with the milder symptoms and many people simply do not understand the condition.
Hard to talk about. IBS is not great dinner/romantic/ideal conversation.
Some (not all) Doctors are not good with IBS, not good at all.
We are sure that many other sufferers can come up with a far more exhaustive list, however we made ourselves keep it to five. The initial list went into the hundreds.
IBS is a very difficult condition to diagnose in children. It is a condition that can exist for some time before it is recognised and parents through no fault of their own will fail to see the signs. IBS is often associated as an adult condition, and is rarely the 'go to' answer for many issues in youngsters.
A Warning
I am lucky to have kind and caring parents, who have supported me throughout my life. IBS was the one thing they got horribly wrong and it is for this reason I urge caution to other parents. Whilst I may have had IBS already, it was not helped by my diet or by their misunderstanding of the situation.
What to look for:
Obviously frequent bathroom trips.
Frequent stomach ache.
Regularly bloated stomach.
Signs of anxiety.
Sometimes fatigue will play a role if they are having digestive problems.
This link will take you to a definition of IBS on our website. If these symptoms look familiar, do seek medical assistance. As a youth the symptoms are not particularly harmful, however if untreated they will leave a nasty psychological scar.
There is clearly a far greater focus on diet now anyway, but do not loose sight of a child's ability to procure nasty food. All the things children love are profoundly wrong for IBS, refined sugary sweets, fizzy caffeinated drinks, take away food.... If your child is showing signs of IBS it will help them if you can connect the problems they are having with those foods.
If you follow this link you will go to a list of foods which are grouped by their FODMAP rating. This appears to be the best way of tackling IBS, and will alleviate many of the symptoms. This is not any easy change, but it is a necessary change to make.
IBS Support for Children
If it looks like your child has IBS or even if they frequently go to the bathroom, this will test your parental patience to the limit. Modern lifestyles leave little time for time, patience and understanding. The patience of a saint will be tested by a child who can not go anywhere without multiple bathroom trips.
For the sake of their long term mental health and happiness, it is pivotal that you are able to deal with this calmly until you are able to treat the condition. My father would get very annoyed and tell me to 'control myself'. I can tell you that I would have loved to 'control myself' however it was a physical condition.
I say to any parent with a child of IBS, please be patient, it is a physical condition and failure to keep control of you irritation will ensure that your child will become increasingly anxious about his/her condition and it will make the condition a psychological and physical issue.
IBS in Children Summary
This is a very difficult condition to treat at the best of times, however it is far more difficult with the young. We get to know and understand our bodies as we grow older, for them it is all new and without help they may not be able to make the link between their condition and their diet.
We can not emphasise enough the importance of patience. This is not an issue of bad or good parenting, everyone has a patience threshold. If even the most basic of tasks is held up by a child that will not stop going to then bathroom, it is hard but vital to remain calm and patience.
Next to a healthy diet, a sense of calm and patience is the best gift you can give to a child with IBS. Do not allow their need for the bathroom to become equated with stress and panic. If things go wrong then again, no big deal, teach them to dust themselves off and move on. Try and get them to associate their need for the bathroom with calm, if you think of the Pavlovian experiment, you are conditioning them for later in life.
One final point. Having been kind, patient and caring, having done all you can for their futures, don't expect any thanks, most kids don't roll that way.
Visit – for free help and support for IBS / Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Wading through the great
swathes of information available for IBS takes time, hence we have
formulated a list of the top ten bits of advice for IBS sufferers.
Cut out harmful elements of your diet where possible. Coffee, alcohol (all the
good stuff) fatty foods, and some medication (aspirin, ibruprofen,
antibiotics) can have severe impacts on your digestive system.
Where possible remove them from your diet.
Make notes of the
foods that effect you personally. We are all unique and react
differently to certain foods. Make sure you know how your body
deals with possible trigger foods (fresh fruit is one such example).
Be as open and
honest as you can with those around you. Help them to
understand your situation, you do not have to be graphic, but a
touch of empathy goes a long way.
A high quality source of friendly bacteria, is almost always beneficial.
Seeking out a superior source of friendly bacteria is much easier
now with forums and honest reviews on Amazon, however try a few to
find the right one for you.
Be patient when
trying the many IBS supplements available. Some work, some do
not, many take time before you know whether they have been
beneficial. Most natural products do not work overnight.
Be disciplined.
Sadly if you have severe or long term IBS you will have to make
sacrifices in terms of what you an and can not eat. Whilst it is
down to you remember that you are choosing between food and quality
of life.
Learn how to deal with stress. This is not meant to trivialise a very serious
issue in modern society, however stress and IBS are often
bedfellows, thus it is incumbent upon you to try and find a way to
cope with stress.
A healthy diet and lifestyle is a pre requisite. We like to specialise in
honesty on our site and in doing so must state that IBS like most
conditions is easier to treat when the sufferer is in a good state
of general health. This includes both diet and exercise.
For long term
sufferers IBS can be as much psychological as physical. Over
the years sufferers can be conditioned into a state of anxiety, it
is imperative to be able to think rationally and to distinguish
between a physical bout of IBS and psychological one.
Don't expect a
quick fix or magic pill. Whilst sufferers who develop IBS as a
result of medication for example, may find their symptoms simply die
off, long term sufferers at present have no know cure. At present
it is down to your own will and determination.
Long term there is a
great deal of hope that significant advances will be made. FODMAP
and gut microbiome research looks as though it is providing a way
forward that has previously been lacking. It finally appears that
the condition is being taken seriously.
The current situation with IBS is fairly straightforward. There is no magic pill, there is no absolute cure for IBS at present, and there is no simple single action which will alleviate the symptoms.
Those suffering with IBS face choices. Do you wish to enjoy certain foods and beverages which bring discomfort, or do you wish to have an often dull and restricted diet? Sadly the products which bring most discomfort are the wonderful ones. Alcohol and caffeine bring many pleasures, however they are a disaster waiting to happen to your stomach.
The time we are most likely to turn to alcohol and caffeine, are the times we are most generally stressed. Stress is known to trigger irritable bowel syndrome, and it can be exacerbated by seeking comforts such as fatty foods and alcohol which physically damage the stomach.
If you, like I adore food, IBS diets based purely on restrictive practices can be soul destroying. They undoubtedly work, however you have to make the choice between the quality of your food and the quality of your life. The best way to look at this would be in the same way as most of us view weight loss diets. Be sensible most the time, but do ensure that you let your self go once in a while.
If you consistently practice a sensible routine, then when you do have a meal, or enjoy an evening where you forget all the rules, you will find overtime that the reaction is less severe. Whilst this may be frustrating, allowing your life to be dictated by your IBS will take away the one opportunity you have to live your life to the fullest.
The art of medicine consists in amusing the patient while nature cures the disease.
Nobody Likes The Truth
Having recently read a book that will not be to everyone's taste, it becomes clear that the inability/unwillingness of the human race to accept often basic truths can be quite astounding. The book is entitled 'Bad Science' by Ben Goldacre and debunks many of the claims made by the medical and alternative therapy worlds. I have had many positive experiences of natural remedies, so whilst I do not share his view of them in entirety, I am still stunned how we as a race so often buy into nonsensical claims which always share the same lie.
You can't handle the truth !
Whether it be pharmaceutical, cosmetic, or nutritional advice we are sold the idea that without patience, discipline, commitment or hard work we can instantaneously cure our ills. Our need for instant gratification is fed by marketing teams keen to exploit this most common of human flaws.
The world of dieting sees the very worst of this excess. Every five minutes a new fad diet comes along and presents itself to the public. Promising rapid weight loss, as painlessly as possible, whilst including a woolly justification for its success. The success of any diet is predicated on one basic factor, calorie deficit. It does not matter how you lose weight, low carb, high carb, medium carb, high protein etc, it does not matter what constitutes the diet, the human body will shed fat when fewer calories than are required enter the system.
The best way is and has always been a healthy diet, with exercise. It has always been so, from the moment the human body was conceived, it has been so. Sadly many of us choose not to listen to that advice and instead are sold by the next beautifully marketed campaign. (For an alternative approach to dieting - is worth a look as it works on exactly those principles). I must add apologies to those who have worked this out, however I myself used to make that same mistake, I have learned the hard way that patience and hard work cure most of our issues.
It's everywhere !
Spurious nonsense, such as the dieting claims are hard to avoid. Face creams, cough medicine, healing creams, magic foods, the list is endless. We at feel the need to vent this frustration as barely a day goes by without nonsense appearing.
Its also getting worse. The internet, as wonderful as it is, frequently presents fiction as fact. There is information out there to back up any belief or theory to suit your argument. We type in a search and will readily accept the results as verbatim.
A Different Approach
At, we take a different approach. The truth is for most of us, overcoming IBS may take time. If you've had it a long time, then sadly it won'y go but may be managed. To treat IBS takes patience, it also takes a great deal of sacrifice and a willingness to face facts.
We are the antithesis of those that promise much but repeatedly fail to deliver, we offer truth and hope, not lies and deceit. So you choose, our way or theirs.
1. Robbie Williams eats domestic pets in pubs for money.
To be fair, we can't disprove this statement, which popped up on the singer's Wikipedia page in 2006. But we'll give him the benefit of the doubt.
2. David Beckham was a Chinese goalkeeper in the 18th century.
And you thought scoring Posh Spice was impressive.
3. Paul Reiser's dead.
If you fell for this 2008 Wikipedia hoax, well -- let's just say I'm not so mad about you.
4. Sinbad's dead.
Couldn't tell ya what he's actually doing these days, but contrary to a 2007 Wikipedia claim, Sinbad is still around.
5. Sergey Brin's sexy, dating Jimmy Wales, and dead.
The Google god's Wikipedia page has seen more changes than his company's seen betas. Remarks on Sergey Brin's bio have claimed he's gay and dating Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales; he's dead, having ended his life in Moscow; and he's "sexy."
(I'll leave the judgment on the last one up to you.)
6. Tony Blair worships Hitler.
The former British prime minister was a regular target for Wikipedia tampering. That's what we read on Wikipedia, anyway.
7. The Duchess of Cornwall's Christian name is Cow-miller.
Anyone else suddenly have a hankering for a hamburger?
8. The University of Cincinnati's former president is a whore.
Former University of Cincinnati president Nancy Zimpher was listed as a "prostitute" and a "witch" on her Wikipedia page. Good thing it wasn't true, as that would make for one dangerous combination.
9. Robert Byrd's dead.
United States Senator Robert Byrd of West Virginia was pronounced dead by Wikipedia in January of this year. The senator was resurrected by a Wikipedia correction a short time later.
10. Ted Kennedy died in January.
Months before this week's news that Ted Kennedy had passed away, his Wikipedia page reported his death. The entry said Kennedy had died following his seizure at January's presidential inauguration.
11. John Seigenthaler helped assassinate John and Robert Kennedy.
The retired journalist wrote a full editorial about his Wikipedia ordeal, in which he was accused of being somehow involved in the assassinations of both John and Robert Kennedy. The errant info, Seigenthaler says, was on the site for four and a half months.
12. A yacht killed British TV presenter Vernon Kay.
That's a rough way to go. Especially when it never happened.
13. Conan O'Brien assaults sea turtles while canoeing.
Stephen Colbert was to blame for this hoax. I can't decide which is more unbelievable: that Conan assaulted a sea turtle, or that he went canoeing.
14. British TV gardener Alan Titchmarsh published a new version of the Kama Sutra.