The following charts how I went from being the most spectacularly average student to a first class student through simple diet changes. I begin this tale with a sample report remark from my French teacher:
‘Philip generally sets himself very low targets, which he often fails to achieve’.
Kudos for that comment sir, I did not know you had it in you. I have no issue with that report, it was one of many similar comments from the time. I was regarded as a typical lazy teenage boy, clever but lazy. I had plenty of friends and by and large this contributed to the idea that I was just lazy.
I grew up with quite severe IBS, at a time when nothing was really known about IBS and nothing could be done. Diet was also a subject in its infancy so it was no surprise that when I reported that I had digestive problems to my Doctor that nothing ever really happened.
School came and went, and I left with grades befitting a lazy teenage boy. I’d been to an excellent school and failed to advantage. Next came real life, I worked in hotels for a few years before deciding to go back into education. I went to college and returned to my comfort zone, of average grades.
IBS was still a huge problem and my diet was pretty terrible when I look back, halfway through a course I decided I didn’t want to go on and as this fulfilled my ‘waster’ profile no one batted an eye. So having completed one average year, so that if I ever wanted to go back I could, life carried on. The
IBS was still awful so I went to see the Doctor again and whilst waiting for a blood test got talking to a nurse. It is no exaggeration to say the conversation with that nurse changed my life.
Wonderful Nurse
Unlike the Doctor she had time to listen to me, and quickly realised there was a problem with my diet, I was in my early twenties by this point. The suggestions she made (cutting out wheat and dairy to start) had such a profound effect so quickly that from that point on things changed.
I went back to college, and got top grades across the board, then off to University. At uni I gained a First Class Honours Degree and did so with straight firsts in my finals. All of this happened because of a simple change of diet. My moods went, my energy arose and I started to finally live up to my potential.

This lead to some of the greatest times of my life, it was like a butterfly leaving its cocoon, I get a big grin on my face just thinking about it. Since that time I have crammed in so much that I now feel like a very lucky guy indeed, but the crazy thing is I could have missed out on all that if it wasn’t for that nurse ‘Mrs Driver’.
I dread to think about all the stuff I’d of missed if I hadn’t made those changes. My life continues to not disappoint. Diet can be spectacularly powerful, my academic record is there as a statement of fact, without knowing about the dietary changes you would find the difference in my results as inexplicable. How does an average Mr Lazy turn into a straight A student ?
Changing diet will not have such a profound effect on everyone, I write this blog to make that point that you must not diminish it’s importance, for some a simple look at what you consume could change your life.