Reviews and Recipes
The latest segment of our IBS-Health website, is a review section. Traditionally I have disliked critics, as it is so much easier to sit back and tear into someone's work than to actually do the work yourself. However, the reviews I have indulged myself in are IBS products and to a degree books.
I feel different about reviewing these items, as it is not the same as someone who puts their heart and sole on the line. There will of course be a huge amount of work, to produce the things we review, however it is nice to be able to offer honest criticism of items which are often aggressively sold.
As a lifelong IBS sufferer, there have been numerous disappointments from IBS products who are hoisted by their own petard. Anyone who makes claims, which lead to disappointed IBS sufferers be warned !
To check out our IBS Product Reviews click here.............
To Recipes
Our Low FODMAP Recipe site IBS Sano is getting bigger and bigger. We have hit the 300+ recipe mark, and we keep growing. We have added so much lately it is hard to think where to begin.
The most recent section, is our Global Recipes. We have started off with a few of the most popular cuisines from around the world, and will continue to expand that. We then have plans to do a healthy low FODMAP recipe section which is also very exciting. We are so grateful to all those who are checking the website out every day, it is deeply appreciated.
To check out our Low FODMAP recipes click here............................