The daily effects of IBS
How does IBS effect sufferers on a daily basis? One of the fundamental issues with IBS and it’s
treatment is its lowly status. More
often than not IBS is considered an irritant.
It is clearly not life threatening, and its effects do not generally cause
any apparent lasting damage, so why do sufferers become so immersed in the
Due to the generic use of IBS as a ‘stomach’ condition
denoting digestive issues, the impact on severe sufferers is lost. Those who do not suffer with the condition,
or those who may have suffered with a mild case will not be able to empathise
with the level of distress IBS can cause.
When suffering with a bout of colitis or severe IBS, most decisions are made around the condition. Sufferers have to plan where toilets are,
and to be situated close to accessible facilities.
Most variations of IBS involve constant discomfort, manly
through cramps and bloating. Whichever
form the symptoms take they provide a constant and uncomfortable reminder of
the condition. What those who do not
suffer fail to comprehend is the constant nature of the complaint, this is not
an infrequent bloating of stomach ache, this is more often than not a perpetual
Moods can be effected, depression is not unknown amongst
severe suffers. To be unable to have
control over your own bodily functions is a deeply unpleasant sensation. Sufferers have to eat heavily restricted diets and to
have to be constantly conscious of diet.
The psychological effects of IBS are far too often
ignored. The chance is that many IBS
sufferers will have experienced situations whereby they did not make it in
time, and such events leave dark imprints in the memory which can take a very
long time to erase. Such feelings are
often then combined with stress and anxiety.
Please do not mistake this blog for a ‘poor us’ article,
there are thousands of conditions which are far worse. This blog is simply trying to draw awareness
to the fact that severe IBS can lead to a loss of freedom. Freedom is something that we can often think
of in quite narrow terms, however we can all become prisoners to our condition.
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