Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Treating IBS with common sense

“Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.” – Buddha

Treating IBS with common sense has been written and compiled by IBS sufferers.  The aim of the site is to alleviate the misery IBS can cause particularly in severe sufferers.  The information currently available has a tendency to be too general to actually help sufferers.  Whilst there is some medication available for IBS, the wide range of symptoms and the general lack of clear knowledge as to the trigger for IBS ensure that its symptoms can become a dominant factor in a sufferers life.
Whilst we would always recommend the first port of call should be a medical practitioner, we are here for those who wish to look at IBS through the eyes of fellow sufferers and to discover the methods which have assisted our readers. We will also print up to date IBS articles and allow you the sufferer to select the path that best suits you.
The digestive process is spectacularly complex, figuring out why you’re own particular digestive system is misfiring is never simple.  It must be made clear that we do not distrust, or ignore medical science, however we do feel that there are significant gaps in scientific knowledge regarding the digestive system.  Science knows how the process works, however when it malfunctions the sheer volume of possibilities as to why this is happening makes successfully diagnosing the cause very difficult.  IBS is clearly something that effects the quality, but not the length of life and therefore it is understandable that research around IBS is not on the scale of life threatening illnesses.  However, as many IBS sufferers will know the impact of severe IBS is massive.
Due to the lack of clear understanding about IBS, we suggest that you follow, the route which works for you.  Keeping an open mind and most importantly trusting the information that makes common sense to you and your own personal symptoms.  The fact that IBS is a label which covers symptoms as tangent as constipation and diahorea, gives you an immediate feeling for broadness of the term ‘IBS’.   A more honest label would be digestive dysfunction, as an IBS sufferers symptoms may be generated at any point in the digestive process, not necessarily in the small or large bowel.
Our approach is to alleviate the stress on the digestive system.  We must repeatedly state that the long term aim, must always be a healthy balanced diet, however in the short term, and in times of need the suggestion we put forward will hopefully provide comfort for you.  We do not and can not guarantee success, IBS can take a very long time to come to terms with, due to the often unique nature of the symptoms.
To alleviate the stress on the digestive system, throughout the website you will find tips, which will assist you to reduce the strain on your digestion.  This is a simple common sense process, which has worked for us. Far too much information regarding IBS does little to actually alleviate the symptoms.  We believe that our position as lifelong sufferers give us a unique opportunity to understand the actual condition in a way others would fail to.
To these ends we also tackle the psychological impact of IBS.  Far too often neglected by most IBS sites and products, psychologically IBS can become a crippling disorder.  It can define, when and where we go, casting a shadow over our day to day lives.  Overcoming the psychological aspect of IBS can be more difficult than the physical, as results are not instant.  IBS sufferers end up with a conditioned response, which can take time and patience to overcome.
Our aim is to help as many sufferers live their lives to the full, as we do now.  The sense of liberation, when you are able to do the things you want, when you want is immeasurable.  We hope we can make a difference in your life.
Yours sincerely Team

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Why trust

Why trust

Choosing who to trust in this day and age is not easy.  Everyone seems to have an agenda, everyone wants to sell you something. is a site dedicated to offering free advice and assistance to fellow sufferers, as we know what they endure.

After years of struggle with IBS, I finally find myself in a place where I am in control of my life.  To this point IBS has been in charge.  It has affected my work, my social life, my family and my ability to function as a normal human being.

As a teenager I developed the usual skin problems and was prescribed the antibiotic ‘Oxytetracycline’.  Meant to be taken as a short course, I ended up taking it for four years constantly.

Antibiotics and the stomach do not get along.  I was left with an utterly useless digestive system.  Every single time I ate, a fear would ensue that I’d have to rush to the closest bathroom.  Most times I’d make it, occasionally I would not.

As fellow sufferers will know, this then generates anxiety issues.  If I went anywhere I had to know that there were bathrooms available.  I had to avoid busy areas and tended to avoid unfamiliar places.  I did not wish to tell my friends and family why I was so stubborn about where I wished to go, this is not a problem that is easy to share, it’s embarrassing and hard to find any sort of empathy from those who are not blighted.
The problems continued for some time before I visited the Doctor.  This time I was prescribed Codeine to solve the IBS.  Codeine works to a degree, however it takes a psychological toll and is horribly addictive, as I was to discover when I stopped taking them.

Then I met with a nurse.
She recommended a variety of ways to approach the IBS, firstly get off the antibiotics and codeine, secondly sort out my diet.  Like anything worthwhile the road to recovery was slow and often painful.  While my stomach improved, I was still left with anxiety issues.  Learning to trust your stomach is very difficult when it has been such an Achilles heel for so long.
Then I met a clinical psychologist.
She then took the physical improvements and taught  me techniques to relieve the symptoms of anxiety.  None of these issues work instantly, however the feeling of gradually clawing your life back is empowering and wonderful.
Along the way there have been many ups and downs, however it now feels as though I have won this battle, and this website is dedicated to helping others through a condition that is all too often dismissed. When IBS is at it’s worst it can utterly dominate your life.
I’ve spent a fortune on thousands of different products, had my hopes dashed time and again when presented with yet another miracle cure. I’ve looked at the psychological and the physical side of the condition and am now able to offer you the benefit of all that experience.
I can offer no miracle cure, no instant fix.  I can help you to improve your IBS, I can support you to improve your quality of life and I can be there for you through your highs and lows in a way that only a fellow sufferer can, with kindness and empathy.

Simply visit to start your road to recovery.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

IBS Diets

IBS Diets

Diets, like clothes, should be tailored to you.
Joan Rivers

Eat more fibre, no actually eat less fibre.  Eat plenty of fresh fruit, no on second thoughts don’t do that either.  For most IBS sufferers,  conventional  dietary advice would have catastrophic consequences.  Learning to tailor a diet to your own personal  IBS requirements should be one of the first goals in tackling IBS.

Whilst certain foods have universally detrimental effects,  for most of us, it is a case of trial and error.  Going through the painfully slow process of tracking these issues may seem to be excessively time consuming, however the long term benefits will always outweigh the negatives.


We are unique, despite this we have a tendency to try and  pigeon hole most phenomena.  The broadness of the term IBS renders the use of simple dietary tips pointless.  A constipation sufferer, will not improve if given the identical advice of a diahorrea sufferer, however both fall under the IBS bracket.

Individual foods can also provoke different reactions in different people.  Certain foods high in fructooligosaccharides,  such as peppers and onions may cause bloating and discomfort, but not rapid movements.   Some may be able to digest gluten, others not.  Learning what is right for you and you alone should be your priority.  As stated some foods are notorious and offer a starting point, however it can be highly surprising so of the foods that you personally can eat.

Our advice  on the subject of IBS diets is clear, tailor any diet to your own condition.  Always do your very best to try and get a balanced diet, however do so in a way that leaves you comfortable.  For those who end up with a highly restricted diet, supplementation may need to be investigated to ensure that the body is nutritionally balanced.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

IBS- My Kingdom for a pill

IBS – My Kingdom for a pill

Anyone who has a lifelong condition, must surely dream of the day an extraordinary scientist creates the pill which cures their ailments  in the blinking of an eye.  As an IBS sufferer that yearning never dies.

Learning to accept, that as with most of life’s difficulties there is no easy answer is really the first step in gaining control of IBS.  I have known many deeply intelligent individuals who have been swept away on the carousel of promises made by so many of the products out there only to be crushed time and again.

It is entirely natural to wish for a miracle cure, it is mentally healthy to wish for a miracle cure.  What is important though, is to acknowledge that for most severe sufferers of IBS no such things exists.   When you have to endure a restricted lifestyle or diet as a result of a condition, there needs to be a way of ensuring that we are able to offer a clear concise benefit for doing so.

There are a plethora of quotes out there about the importance of living life to the full, from Lincoln to  Joan Rivers.  Due to the subtle, incremental nature in which IBS gradually dominates your life, it is hard to sometime realize the full extent to which it has.  One thing I can assure most severe IBS sufferers is that it has affected the way you think, the things you do and when you do them.  For most it becomes the dominant factor in life.

The simple message is to stop waiting for the magic cure, and start taking the steps which will liberate you, to live your life to the full.  I personally wasted a big chunk of my life expecting one of the thousands of products I tried to be the one which ‘fixed’ me, only to be disappointed.  It cost me money and more importantly time.

Accept that to live a full life, sacrifices will have to be made.  That is the beginning of the journey to recovering your life from IBS.  To find out how visit