“Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.” – Buddha
Treating IBS with common sense
IBS-Health.com has been written and compiled by IBS sufferers. The aim of the site is to alleviate the misery IBS can cause particularly in severe sufferers. The information currently available has a tendency to be too general to actually help sufferers. Whilst there is some medication available for IBS, the wide range of symptoms and the general lack of clear knowledge as to the trigger for IBS ensure that its symptoms can become a dominant factor in a sufferers life.
Whilst we would always recommend the first port of call should be a medical practitioner, we are here for those who wish to look at IBS through the eyes of fellow sufferers and to discover the methods which have assisted our readers. We will also print up to date IBS articles and allow you the sufferer to select the path that best suits you.
The digestive process is spectacularly complex, figuring out why you’re own particular digestive system is misfiring is never simple. It must be made clear that we do not distrust, or ignore medical science, however we do feel that there are significant gaps in scientific knowledge regarding the digestive system. Science knows how the process works, however when it malfunctions the sheer volume of possibilities as to why this is happening makes successfully diagnosing the cause very difficult. IBS is clearly something that effects the quality, but not the length of life and therefore it is understandable that research around IBS is not on the scale of life threatening illnesses. However, as many IBS sufferers will know the impact of severe IBS is massive.
Due to the lack of clear understanding about IBS, we suggest that you follow, the route which works for you. Keeping an open mind and most importantly trusting the information that makes common sense to you and your own personal symptoms. The fact that IBS is a label which covers symptoms as tangent as constipation and diahorea, gives you an immediate feeling for broadness of the term ‘IBS’. A more honest label would be digestive dysfunction, as an IBS sufferers symptoms may be generated at any point in the digestive process, not necessarily in the small or large bowel.
Our approach is to alleviate the stress on the digestive system. We must repeatedly state that the long term aim, must always be a healthy balanced diet, however in the short term, and in times of need the suggestion we put forward will hopefully provide comfort for you. We do not and can not guarantee success, IBS can take a very long time to come to terms with, due to the often unique nature of the symptoms.
To alleviate the stress on the digestive system, throughout the website you will find tips, which will assist you to reduce the strain on your digestion. This is a simple common sense process, which has worked for us. Far too much information regarding IBS does little to actually alleviate the symptoms. We believe that our position as lifelong sufferers give us a unique opportunity to understand the actual condition in a way others would fail to.
To these ends we also tackle the psychological impact of IBS. Far too often neglected by most IBS sites and products, psychologically IBS can become a crippling disorder. It can define, when and where we go, casting a shadow over our day to day lives. Overcoming the psychological aspect of IBS can be more difficult than the physical, as results are not instant. IBS sufferers end up with a conditioned response, which can take time and patience to overcome.
Our aim is to help as many sufferers live their lives to the full, as we do now. The sense of liberation, when you are able to do the things you want, when you want is immeasurable. We hope we can make a difference in your life.
Yours sincerely
IBS-Health.com Team
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