Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Man needs difficulties; they are necessary for health. Carl Jung

IBS Conditioning

Man needs difficulties; they are necessary for health.
Carl Jung

For severe IBS sufferers the difficulties of the condition relate to the inability to control when they need the bathroom.  This may begin as an entirely physical reaction, however over time this may become a conditioned response.

Conditioned responses are produced from the same process as demonstrated with the famous ‘Pavlovs Dogs’ experiment, whereby the dogs reacted in a certain way to certain stimuli.  Humans are no different, and certain conditions will produce responses that have been manufactured over time.

Fear is known to be the strongest emotion in regards to conditioned responses.  If you have had a bad experience/experiences you are likely to act in a certain way when faced with those conditions.

To put this in simpler and more relevant terms, a severe IBS sufferer will initially go through a process whereby they need the toilet urgently in a given situation - for example in a bus.  There will be a future sense of anxiety in any bus as a result of that one moment.  If this happens again the conditioning will increase, ensuring that over time a firm relationship is mentally established between needing the bathroom and being on a bus.

The most common is when there are no bathrooms, or non available.  You may not need the bathroom, physically, however when you see there are no available bathrooms, mentally you have become conditioned to suddenly and urgently need the bathroom.  The point to note here is that, rationally speaking this is nonsense.  If you did not need the toilet before it was being used then the reaction is not physical it is emotional.  This creates an opportunity to develop our mentality, to overcome this psychological barrier.

Overcoming conditioning is not easy, and in the first instance the most important feature is generating awareness that some of your problems are coming from your mind, not your body.   Any successful battle with IBS involves a physical and mental battle, however it must be a priority for you to discover what you are battling.  The slow painful process of a IBS sufferers conditioning will not be undone over night, however acknowledgement of the situation will without doubt assist your ability to live you life to the full.

Hypnotherapy is currently the best way of overcoming conditioning.  This is not the type of fairground hypnotherapy involving a swinging watch and chicken dance.  This is the type of hypnotherapy which aims to tackle the conditioning through suggestion and influence.  At the very least if you are able to acknowledge that at times your IBS is an emotional phenomena then you will be able to tackle it.

Visit :   www.IBS-Health.com

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

IBS - New found freedom

There are so many things I now take for granted, that just a few years ago I could not do.   My life was so governed by IBS, that every thought and deed had to be passed by my internal IBS inspectorate.
I could not just whisk off for the weekend, I could not go to shows, I could not go to new places, everything was governed by IBS.  If I ever did any of the above spontaneous acts, they would be overshadowed by constant concerns.
I hate to think of the amount of my life wasted this way.  The opportunities I have spurned the people I have let down all over this frustrating condition.   Whilst I still have to make sacrifices I can not believe the position I am in today.
In the last year alone I have had some of the greatest experiences of my life, due to the ability to control my IBS.  It is not perfect, however I can hand on heart say that I have not rejected a single opportunity due to IBS.
This liberation came about gradually.  Nothing in this life is instant, and once you learn to be patient the benefits soon become apparent.  On the website www.IBS-Health.com you will find a huge amount of information.  This has been accumulated through a number of IBS sufferers, who have kindly shared their experiences.

That information will start you on a wonderful journey towards your own liberation from IBS.  Only sufferers understand the thought processes a sufferer endures, and they will recognize these emotions on the site.  The journey involves both physical and mental effort and is not remotely easy.  This post is just here to remind sufferers to make a change, don't be governed by IBS, life is precious and life is short, everyday that you allow your IBS to rule your life and deny you opportunities will be lost forever.  Visit www.IBS-Health.com, we are not selling you anything, we do not want your money, we just want to free as many sufferers as we can from the bonds of IBS.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

A smarter approach to IBS

IBS-Health.com utilizes the very best information available to help IBS sufferers to control their symptoms.  Written exclusively by sufferers for sufferers, IBS-Health.com is able to offer an unique level of empathy and understanding. Physically and emotionally IBS creates a barrier to living life to the full and IBS-Health.com is dedicated to ensuring that sufferers are liberated from IBS, and are able to live the life that they wish to.

Take for example acidophilus .  Most of us are now conversant with the fact that the digestive system requires ‘friendly bacteria’.  If you have taken anti-biotics for example it then becomes imperative to replace those bacteria. Despite the fact that ‘acidophilus ‘ may be sold as an alternative medicine, it has a weight of scientific research behind its usefulness.  However many acidophilus products contain too few viable cells to make it to their desired destination, thus becoming a waste of money.

We make this point to highlight that IBS-Health.com takes an open minded approach to treating IBS, as long as any treatment has a scientific foundation or common sense  application. Many alternative medicines do help, however they may often overplay their effectiveness.  As a lifelong IBS sufferer selecting the right products to treat the conditions can become deeply frustrating due to the overblown claims of many products.  This website aims to stick exclusively to products and treatments that work..

Modern medicine can be just as frustrating as Alternative medicine.  Any physician would struggle to get to grips with an accurate assessment of many digestion issues without a level of specialization.  It has only been in the last twenty years that diet has taken such a large role in society and medicine, so whilst we are learning more day by day it is clear that we do not know everything just yet.

IBS-Health.com will be writing in more detailed report on the science of the digestive system in the coming months. At this point we just wish to introduce you to our philosophy and standpoint on Modern and Alternative medicine.  A great deal of research has gone into the site to ensure that we offer the most considered opinion possible, and more importantly that the information within helps.  That is now and will always be the number one goal of IBS-Health.com.