Wednesday, September 5, 2012

A smarter approach to IBS utilizes the very best information available to help IBS sufferers to control their symptoms.  Written exclusively by sufferers for sufferers, is able to offer an unique level of empathy and understanding. Physically and emotionally IBS creates a barrier to living life to the full and is dedicated to ensuring that sufferers are liberated from IBS, and are able to live the life that they wish to.

Take for example acidophilus .  Most of us are now conversant with the fact that the digestive system requires ‘friendly bacteria’.  If you have taken anti-biotics for example it then becomes imperative to replace those bacteria. Despite the fact that ‘acidophilus ‘ may be sold as an alternative medicine, it has a weight of scientific research behind its usefulness.  However many acidophilus products contain too few viable cells to make it to their desired destination, thus becoming a waste of money.

We make this point to highlight that takes an open minded approach to treating IBS, as long as any treatment has a scientific foundation or common sense  application. Many alternative medicines do help, however they may often overplay their effectiveness.  As a lifelong IBS sufferer selecting the right products to treat the conditions can become deeply frustrating due to the overblown claims of many products.  This website aims to stick exclusively to products and treatments that work..

Modern medicine can be just as frustrating as Alternative medicine.  Any physician would struggle to get to grips with an accurate assessment of many digestion issues without a level of specialization.  It has only been in the last twenty years that diet has taken such a large role in society and medicine, so whilst we are learning more day by day it is clear that we do not know everything just yet. will be writing in more detailed report on the science of the digestive system in the coming months. At this point we just wish to introduce you to our philosophy and standpoint on Modern and Alternative medicine.  A great deal of research has gone into the site to ensure that we offer the most considered opinion possible, and more importantly that the information within helps.  That is now and will always be the number one goal of

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