Tuesday, February 26, 2013

IBS Video

Recommended viewing:

Amongst the many articles from www.IBS-Health.com you will find a selection of videos which we believe to be very helpful, here is one such example.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

IBS Enemies

IBS Enemies

One of the first places to start, when attempting to overcome IBS is obviously diet.   Most sufferers are aware of certain foods which act as a trigger and as a result you may opt to avoid those foods.  This blog is for those who suffer, control issues through rapid movements, the advice is not intended for those who suffer constipation.  There are many factors which effect IBS and below we briefly tackle some of those issues.  For more detailed information please visit:


There are many foods which can set off IBS.  It is generally quite simple to discover which ones bring on the symptoms, rapid bloating and discomfort usually offer a clear signal.   Highest on the list for most sufferers is acidic fruit such as oranges and grapefruit.  As wonderfully nutritious as they are, for most IBS sufferers they are quite unpleasant.  Sadly most fruit falls into this category.

High fibre foods can also pass through the system rapidly.  This can be a contentious issue as fibre is a vital part of a healthy diet.  This is an area which requires testing for you personally, however you may find yourself more comfortable reducing your fibre intake.  Fibre is vital where there is a lack of frequency, however common sense dictates that some people are at the other end of the scale.

Spicy foods will generally prove to be problematic.  Again this is an issue that most sufferers acknowledge early on and the tendency is to avoid chilli's and peppers.  If you do find yourself on a restricted diet is is recommended that you do look at supplements to ensure that you receive sufficient nutrition.

Contentious Foods

Wheat and dairy foods may be very difficult for some to digest and worth removing from your diet to see if you have improvements.  Gluten in particular is very hard/impossible for some to digest and can lead to osmotic diarrhea.  At the very least bread products contain yeast which often ferments and causes uncomfortable bloating.

Dairy is often linked to feeling gassy and it is worth trying a period without it too.  You may find that there is no difference, however foods which are hard to digest place a great deal of strain on the digestive system and it is worth trialling life without them. 

Dubious drinks
There are three beverages which sadly ask for trouble.  Alcoholic beverages, caffeinated beverages or sugar/fruity/fizzy beverages.  Alcohol and caffeine are perhaps the worst and most likely to bring about rapid movements.  Excessive consumption can also lead to coilitus like symptoms.  If you have serious IBS and you wish to control your symptoms then sadly a great deal of self discipline is required.  If you can at the very least minimise your intake that will be a great step.

Very few of us are luck enough to live without stress.  The way the world is today, very few people will not be blighted by stress.  Dealing with it is easier said than done, but if you wish to tackle your IBS, it must be acknowledged.  Many people have IBS bought on by stress, which can be a slow creeping disorder and terribly hard to treat.
This is such a complex and lengthy topic that we do not feel able to do it justice in this blog, so please follow the link if you feel that stress is affecting you.


Many IBS sufferers who have the condition later in life, may find that the cause has been medication.  From anti-biotics to anti-inflammatory drugs and aspirin many medicines have a severe impact on the digestive system.  Always consult a Doctor or pharmacist before taking a course of medicine.  If unsure then do check online.  


We have just touched upon some of the basics in regards to the enemies of IBS.  Each of us will have different triggers however we hope that those above will give you a place to start.  For more detailed information and resources please go to:

Thursday, February 21, 2013

IBS Nature Vs Medicine

IBS Nature Vs Medicine

The Choices

When dealing with IBS it can be difficult to differentiate between what works and what does not.   The first place to start with IBS is usually your diet, as that will provide the most rapid relief.  There after finding the right way to treat your symptoms will vary from person to person.

On a general point though it is very interesting to note that many of the successful treatments for IBS come from the natural arena.   Most of us wish to have a basis in fact and science for our decisions and to a degree that may steer some away from natural remedies.  The fact that very few natural remedies work instantly may further add to their air of mystique and generate a degree of mistrust..  However, by and large for IBS as it stands nature is the very best route to follow.

Nature meets science

Most of the natural remedies that work for IBS  have a clear foundation in science.  For example the most common natural treatment is friendly bacteria  For most IBS sufferers a good source of friendly bacteria will help symptoms a great deal.  As stated on previous blogs this must be the right friendly bacteria, however when you do find a source that works for you the results are swift.

Without retreading past ground to explain the science behind probiotics, the key point to remember is that you should not dismiss natural remedies without researching their validity.  Follow the link to find a light hearted article in this subject : http://www.bbc.co.uk/sn/humanbody/truthaboutfood/healthy/prebiotics.shtml

Nucleotides are also providing another natural approach to fighting IBS as this article demonstrates : http://www.nucleotidenutrition.com/nucell-im-featured-in-the-article-nucleotides-the-building-blocks-of-life/ .  Many people who suffer IBS need assistance repairing theri digestive system and this is where Nucleotides play a role.


Science is slowly coming to terms with IBS.  Anyone who has studied or looked into the digestive process will understand that this is one of the most complex processes the body undertakes.  Any malfunction in this process may be very difficult to isolate and to diagnose, hence science and medicine has a very difficult job to create a medicinal cure for IBS. Some drugs are available, for example some drugs work on the spasms generated by the gut, however at present most medicine for IBS is very similar to that of the common cold,  they treat symptoms rather than cure or prevent them.

Recently some scientists have been working on a process to transplant the healthy bacteria of one person into the body of someone who has difficulty generating sufficient friendly bacteria.  So far the results have been promising, in what is  clearly a fusion between science and nature.


Whilst the future may bring something medicinal to cure IBS, at present nature is providing the best tools to fight IBS.  None of the natural products work overnight and they require patience, however at present they are all we have got.  Used in conjunction with a healthy diet many of the unpleasant symptoms of IBS can be alleviated if not cured.

We have only touched upon this subject and the specific treatments here as we simply wished to make the point for those who are afraid to look at natural remedies, that there is some substance behind natural remedies.  That is not to say that all natural treatments work, it is more to say that you should not dismiss them.

For more substantial information visit:


Tuesday, February 19, 2013

IBS Warnings

 IBS Warnings

Our last blog, touched upon the need for determination when dealing with IBS.  It may take time and patience to overcome your symptoms.  During your search to overcome your IBS you will stumble across many people and products which will claim to cure your IBS - be warned!  Whilst this may be well intentioned often it creates false hopes and shattered expectations.   

As we continually remind our readers the unique nature of IBS means that it is very difficult to state a one size fits all cure, what works for some will definitely not work for others.  For example IBS may be bought on when someone takes a course of medicine which contains antibiotics or . ibruprofen.  As soon as this course of medication is stopped the IBS may go to, however if the patient has not made the association between their medication and their IBS they may believe that other factors such as a change in diet has fixed their IBS when it has done nothing of the sort.  There are a vast number of IBS related videos on youtube claiming that they have fixed IBS - be warned!  

Less innocent are the vast numbers of products which make claims to cure IBS.  Some do indeed work for mild sufferers, however severe sufferers are often left disappointed by many of the products out.  Peppermint oil is a prime example of a product which works for some but not all, yet carries many promises.  Probiotics also carry to many claims.  Some of the lower end products have been shown to be near useless as to few viable cells survive the passage through the digestive tract. Once again - be warned.

Who to trust ?

We like to think that you will be able to trust our site, as it is written completely independently, any advertising on the site is from google ads as opposed to sponsors.  Most government health service now have improved sources of information available which can be a useful starting point as whilst the information is basic, it usually deals with fact.

Other organisations such as the IBS Network and CORE are extremely helpful.  Whilst we have made negative comments about the IBS Card sometimes known as the 'Can't wait Card' we have stated that it is all about what works for you, and if that helps great.  Whether or not you feel the need for that card is neither here nor there. the IBS Network is a very good site and another source of trustworthy advice.  

Sunday, February 17, 2013

IBS Determination

IBS Determination

If you do not have the benefit of exceptional health care professionals advising you, IBS can become a bit of struggle.   Finding what works for you is a slow painstaking process, with many miss steps along the way.

The key to overcoming this is simply old fashioned determination.  Most health issues are very specific, as are the treatments, this is not the case with the broad sweeping term that is IBS.  You may have different symptoms, different triggers, and completely different treatments, however it is all lumped in under IBS.

Keep going

'When you are going through hell, just keep going'  - Winston Churchill

The greatest frustration with IBS often comes when you think or are told that a certain product or treatment will cure you're problems.  Coping with that disappointment, and picking yourself up again can be hard.

Hope is a curious emotion, and one that can be hard to retain when constantly challenged.  Staying positive and perpetually picking yourself up after raising hope can be very taxing.  We do not have a limitless supply of hope and it is a precious commodity.

The Retention of Hope

How do we retain hope when it may be dashed time and again ?  Firstly focus on the pay off.  IBS can truly make a mess of your life if it is not treated, whether you acknowledge it or not, it will play a part in most of your decisions and inhibit your ability to life your life to the fullest.

Secondly, draw strength from your successes.  Overcoming IBS is not all negative, along the way you will find methods and medicines which will help you greatly.  Draw strength from those, as you seek to further improve your life.

Finally, as mentioned on our last blog.  Communicate with friend and family, openess, with those close and trusted will help you to unload  much of the burden and give you the strength to carry on when times are hard.

We are here for you

Over the years far better advice for IBS has appeared online, we at IBS-Health like to include ourselves amongst that.   Hopefully you will be able to find your own treatment far faster than before, when there was limited information available.

Of course as with anything internet related you have to sort the wheat from the chaff, just be warned of those offering instant cures or stating that they or their products have cured it.  That is a dubious claim at best, price is no indicator of the quality of the treatment.  Keep remembering that you and your IBS is unique.

Keep going, and you will get there !  We guarantee that it will be worth it.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Communicating IBS to friends and family


How do you communicate to others, how your IBS effects you?  Do you even communicate at all ?   IBS for many is a deeply personal and embarrassing condition.  It should not be, as it is not our faults, however it remains a difficult subject to discuss and even harder to explain.

IBS is very difficult for a non sufferer to grasp.  It is a term which for a start covers far too many digestive complaints to be specific, and its symptoms are not life threatening or serious in many peoples minds.   We believe that is very important that you feel free and able to communicate to those that matter your condition as it is very liberating to be around people who know and understand your behaviour and requirements.

Friends and Family

When you discover that you have make sure that you get those that care about you to learn a little bit about your condition.  They do not have to become experts, however a touch of empathy goes a long way.  If you are any of the situations which often lead to IBS flair ups such as travel, being surrounded by folks who know what you need, is  a great remover of anxiety.  It will also help for them to know that stress is a factor, and to be aware that piling you with pressure will not help.


At work, it is generally only a select few that need to know, but do be sure to let the appropriate trusted people know.  Again this relates to the freedom of not having to explain unusual behavioural patterns.  IBS sufferers have needs, and he condition can stand in the way of progression and success if you take the embarrassed approach.


This short blog is intended as a timely reminder that honesty and being open can greatly reduce anxiety for IBS sufferers, spending  a few minutes with the right people can assist you in getting the help, support and understanding you need to live your life to the full.   

Monday, February 4, 2013

The varying Degrees of IBS

The Varying Degrees of IBS

One of the key issues we take with many other IBS related sites, is their lack of differentiation with regard to IBS symptoms.  It is  a simple fact that most sufferers have different symptoms entirely, different levels of severity and require different treatments.  Diet in particular can have a monstrous gulf in what works for some and not for others.

Whilst there are of course many commonalities and many common triggers, the one size fits all approach is ill suited to IBS.  To use a mechanical analogy, if we view the stomach as our engine (which of course it is) when it develops faults the problems are generally highly complex and require an open mind and patience to fix.

The following is primarily advice for severe sufferers of IBS.  If you have over time suffered damage to your digestive system then it is highly unlikely that many of the treatments out there will work for you.  It is a source of anger that so many IBS products are allowed to over sell their effectiveness, and most are very expensive.  Hope fully we can provide severe sufferers with some tips to help you gain control.

Severe IBS

Severe suffers of IBS face a real battle to discover what works for them.  The medical profession is still not great at assisting with this issue, and therefore we urge patience.  If you are being treated well by the medical profession that is excellent, however for those who have been left to fend for themselves we may offer the following advice.

Many of the problems related to IBS come from damage to the digestive system, therefore repair should be the first port of call.   Frequently damaged by medicines, alcohol, caffeine to name a few, it is highly advisable to cut those out.  Sadly fruit acids can do a fair bit of damage, and are best avoided if you are a severe sufferer, if this is the case vitamins may need to be added to your diet to offset the lack of nutrients provided naturally by your diet.

You need to go from this - to this:

The next step is diet and lifestyle, ensure that you're doing all you can to help yourself.  If you have a great deal of stress that needs to be dealt with urgently.  If you have a questionable diet that too needs to be looked at.  Both these areas are huge and are dealth with in greater dept on our website:


When looking for treatments, always bear in mind the requirement for repair, some of the best IBS treatments are repair based.   Acidophilus/Probiotics work wonderfully well for most, however do shop around and find the right strength for you - it really does matter. Look for how many billion viable cells there are and make note of the differences between products.  It is also pivotal with any of these treatments to give them time to work.

Nucleotide products have been around for a number of years now, and they can be excellent in terms of damage repair.  They assist the reproduction of cells and whilst expensive they are generally worth it.

On the price point, do not be fooled into thinking that the higher the cost the better the product.  You need to find the product that works for you, some of the most expensive out there are sometimes not good for a particular problem.  We do recommend that you take a look at our website for more helpl as this again is a very in depth area.

We also have a sister site www.IBSdetective.com which uses the same information as our main site, however it aims to make it easier for you to find the information that you need.


Severe sufferers of IBS, are generally dominated by their symptoms, understandably so.   This blog is far too small to get close to dealing with the huge variety of issue which need to be addressed by IBS sufferers to take back control of your lives.  We do recommend that you are ready to go through highs and lows, as this is no easy battle and there is no one answer.  You will find some sufferers swearing by certain products whilst others swear at them.  It takes time, but do please start the journey and do not allow IBS to dictate the way you spend your one and only life.