The Varying Degrees of IBS
One of the key issues we take with many other IBS related sites, is their lack of differentiation with regard to IBS symptoms. It is a simple fact that most sufferers have different symptoms entirely, different levels of severity and require different treatments. Diet in particular can have a monstrous gulf in what works for some and not for others.
Whilst there are of course many commonalities and many common triggers, the one size fits all approach is ill suited to IBS. To use a mechanical analogy, if we view the stomach as our engine (which of course it is) when it develops faults the problems are generally highly complex and require an open mind and patience to fix.
The following is primarily advice for severe sufferers of IBS. If you have over time suffered damage to your digestive system then it is highly unlikely that many of the treatments out there will work for you. It is a source of anger that so many IBS products are allowed to over sell their effectiveness, and most are very expensive. Hope fully we can provide severe sufferers with some tips to help you gain control.
Severe IBS
Severe suffers of IBS face a real battle to discover what works for them. The medical profession is still not great at assisting with this issue, and therefore we urge patience. If you are being treated well by the medical profession that is excellent, however for those who have been left to fend for themselves we may offer the following advice.
Many of the problems related to IBS come from damage to the digestive system, therefore repair should be the first port of call. Frequently damaged by medicines, alcohol, caffeine to name a few, it is highly advisable to cut those out. Sadly fruit acids can do a fair bit of damage, and are best avoided if you are a severe sufferer, if this is the case vitamins may need to be added to your diet to offset the lack of nutrients provided naturally by your diet.
You need to go from this - to this:

The next step is diet and lifestyle, ensure that you're doing all you can to help yourself. If you have a great deal of stress that needs to be dealt with urgently. If you have a questionable diet that too needs to be looked at. Both these areas are huge and are dealth with in greater dept on our website:
When looking for treatments, always bear in mind the requirement for repair, some of the best IBS treatments are repair based. Acidophilus/Probiotics work wonderfully well for most, however do shop around and find the right strength for you - it really does matter. Look for how many billion viable cells there are and make note of the differences between products. It is also pivotal with any of these treatments to give them time to work.
Nucleotide products have been around for a number of years now, and they can be excellent in terms of damage repair. They assist the reproduction of cells and whilst expensive they are generally worth it.
On the price point, do not be fooled into thinking that the higher the cost the better the product. You need to find the product that works for you, some of the most expensive out there are sometimes not good for a particular problem. We do recommend that you take a look at our website for more helpl as this again is a very in depth area.
We also have a sister site which uses the same information as our main site, however it aims to make it easier for you to find the information that you need.
Severe sufferers of IBS, are generally dominated by their symptoms, understandably so. This blog is far too small to get close to dealing with the huge variety of issue which need to be addressed by IBS sufferers to take back control of your lives. We do recommend that you are ready to go through highs and lows, as this is no easy battle and there is no one answer. You will find some sufferers swearing by certain products whilst others swear at them. It takes time, but do please start the journey and do not allow IBS to dictate the way you spend your one and only life.