IBS Warnings
Our last blog, touched upon the need for determination when dealing with IBS. It may take time and patience to overcome your symptoms. During your search to overcome your IBS you will stumble across many people and products which will claim to cure your IBS - be warned! Whilst this may be well intentioned often it creates false hopes and shattered expectations.
As we continually remind our readers the unique nature of IBS means that it is very difficult to state a one size fits all cure, what works for some will definitely not work for others. For example IBS may be bought on when someone takes a course of medicine which contains antibiotics or . ibruprofen. As soon as this course of medication is stopped the IBS may go to, however if the patient has not made the association between their medication and their IBS they may believe that other factors such as a change in diet has fixed their IBS when it has done nothing of the sort. There are a vast number of IBS related videos on youtube claiming that they have fixed IBS - be warned!
Who to trust ?
We like to think that you will be able to trust our site, as it is written completely independently, any advertising on the site is from google ads as opposed to sponsors. Most government health service now have improved sources of information available which can be a useful starting point as whilst the information is basic, it usually deals with fact.
Other organisations such as the IBS Network and CORE are extremely helpful. Whilst we have made negative comments about the IBS Card sometimes known as the 'Can't wait Card' we have stated that it is all about what works for you, and if that helps great. Whether or not you feel the need for that card is neither here nor there. the IBS Network is a very good site and another source of trustworthy advice.
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