Monday, December 10, 2012

IBS at Christmas


IBS at Christmas

Rather than discuss the difficulties IBS poses at Christmas, we simply wish to send our readers our very best wishes that they have a wonderful Christmas and New Year.   We at have always simply accepted the consequences of seasonal indulgences and therefore would feel hypocritical to espouse any other view.

We will leave you with a comedic version of our favourite Christmas song:

Merry Christmas

from all at:

Monday, November 26, 2012

The IBS Card - Continued

The IBS Card - Continued

Last week we posted a blog regarding the use of IBS cards (Cards such as the 'Can't Wait' card which helps IBS and IBD sufferers to gain access to a toilet, in a store or similar).   Sadly this post did not fully explain our perspective, hence this weeks blog explands upon the original post.

The post was intended to discuss the relative merits of the card, however it was very clear that we had a strong bias and it ended up being a piece that really did not achieve its objective.  So this weeks blog will be a more open explanation of our feelings towards the card, without the pretence of balance.


We received a couple of very well considered comments regarding last weeks post which we feel we should reply to before posting our repost.  One of the comments stated that surely it was better to have the card than to not.  We could not agree more with this sentiment.  The very point of last weeks blog was meant to be about the unique physical and psychological ways that we deal with IBS.  The variation in opinion regarding the card is a case in point.  For some that card will be of great comfort and assistance, therefore its validity is not for us to demean.

We must also say that we have no personal experience of using the card, and therefore are in no position to judge whether or not it works.  We are sure it must do as many people have these cards for IBD, however we have never tried to use the card and therefore can not comment on just how useful it is in a practical setting.


The main thrust of the blog came form a discussion with fellow sufferers who did not like the idea.  It must be stated at this point, that IBD sufferers, in particular Crohn's sufferers felt the card to be a great help, there was a big gulf in opinion between IBD and IBS sufferers.  The dislike of the idea came from a small group of IBS sufferers, that does not mean that it in any way represents all IBS sufferers.

It must also be stated that the card was bought up initially in a negative context, and it would be reasonable to assume that some in the group may have simply followed the argument proposed.

Off the fence

The following passage is an entirely personal perspective and goes some way to explaining the bias shown in last weeks post.   This is not derived from any other sufferers, this is my own personal perspective.

The primary motive behind last weeks blog was to highlight the gulf in difference between what works for some and what works for others.  I have suffered IBS from birth with it completely dominating large chunks of my life.  In the last few years I have overcome it, however what has driven me to distraction is the vast levels of poor advice I have read and received over the years.  The advice has been well intentioned, however none of it acknowledged that my IBS may differ from someone else's IBS.

IBS is not one thing.  It is an excessively broad term for a cluster of symptoms, so for any site, or product to claim to cure it, is in my opinion nonsense.  IBS still covers symptoms such as diahorea and constipation, which by and large should not be treated the same way.  As a result of all the years of frustration I can be quite hostile towards anything that does not sit with my world view.

To the card

The IBS card drew my ire, as it instantly made me think that who ever created it, did not understand me or my symptoms.  They did not understand how I felt about my IBS, nor did they understand about the practical reality of my IBS, it put me off the website entirely.  I repeat again here that this is my personal opinion and that the validity or use of the card is not in question, this is my own personal reaction.

When I look for help with IBS or I am looking for comfort, I am looking for empathy and understanding.  I have never been impressed by the medical professions attempts to deal with IBS, Doctors always mean well, however this is a very complex condition.  Therefore I look for the help of fellow sufferers who understand.  

The condition is generally intensely private, I know of few sufferers who broadcast their condition.  This is the key area for me, whilst some may be happy to brandish the card, I would rather spend the time taken to explain the card to locate facilities elsewhere.  The mere thought of having to explain the situation generates anxiety, and when time is the essence a conversation is best avoided.

On a more general level,  I am a private person who shares my condition with few.  I dislike moaning and complaining, I like to get on with life and my IBS is something that I just have to live with.  The card represents a submission of my privacy, few people who do not have the condition truly understand the nature of it, so why should I expect them to.  Whilst I acknowledge that is wrong of me to be embarrassed about my condition, I am, therefore this card does not sit well with me.

On a practical level, as an ex store manager, I would like to know how many companies know about this card and would circumvent their strict security procedures to allow a customer with a card that few would recognise into their staff areas ?  Whilst I understand that some may, I'd be interested to find out how widespread the knowledge is about the card amongst store staff.

Pavlovs Dog

After a life of struggle I can happily say that for the last few years I have been in control of my IBS.  I have not cured it I have managed it.  Not for one second would I say that as a result I have the answers, I have simply found the answer for me.  With help from fellow sufferers I created the website as a free resource for sufferers.  Some articles may help, some may not, however hopefully you may discover something that helps amongst all the various opinions featured.

The site was a reaction to the IBS card, for those who felt that it was not right for them either.  The site is written by sufferers for sufferers and the content looks at everything from diet to psychology.  The whole point of this blog, of the website, of everything is to help people to find the best way of living with IBS, if the IBS card works for you, then that is fantastic, if it helps one person or thousands that is wonderful.

IBS can condition you over the course of your life and dominate your day to day thinking.  I let it dictate so much of my life that I am very angry about those lost years, however I am absolutely loving the life I have now that I have it under control, I am evangelical about this.   Whether you use our site, or the IBS card, start making the changes everyday is precious.


Monday, November 19, 2012

The IBS Card

The IBS Card   -   Good or Bad Concept ?

Whilst researching IBS sites, I chanced upon one which offered an IBS card.  This is a card which can be used when an IBS sufferer needs the bathroom and is intended to move the sufferer to the front of the queue or to ensure that facilities are made available.  Before proceeding, please note that this is not an attack on the website in question, it is more a discussion on the nature of IBS and how sufferers perceive the condition.  The first thing to ask is whether you would carry such a card ?

Given that the card came from a well respected site, I was very surprised.  IBS is generally a very personal and embarrassing condition, thus advertising it with a card seems peculiar.  It is also questionable whether someone in a queue would submit their position in a queue on the basis of such a card.  If you need the bathroom, you need the bathroom, and who is to say that someone else's need is greater than yours.

Whilst IBS is nothing to be ashamed of, it is interesting how we as sufferers feel about the condition.  Without doubt many people would think the IBS card a good idea, although it does sound as though it was created by people who thought it would be a good idea, but did not consult sufferers.  This whole issue really encapsulates the lack of understanding of IBS and what is best for IBS. It also highlights the different needs of sufferers and that it is nigh on impossible to find a standard solution to to the trials and tribulations of IBS sufferers.  It does however reinforce our assertion throughout our website regarding the individual nature of IBS, from the condition itself through to the way we perceive it.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Great Article

IBS- - Resource Pages

Along with our own guide to IBS, we publish the best articles we discover from around the internet, such as the one seen below here.  we feel it is vital that any sufferer gains as much information as possible as there is so much variation in terms of symptoms that whilst one article may now work for one it certainly will for someone else.  This article comes from the excellent who have many excellent products for IBS.

A new way to manage Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)?

A new way to manage Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is quickly gaining support amongst the medical community, and many IBS sufferers are seeing positive results.
Dr Susan Shepherd, an Australian dietician and researcher, led a presentation on the low-FODMAPs diet last month at the American College of Gastroenterology conference in Washington.
A low FODMAPs diet has been shown to help those with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
The theory is that people with IBS have difficulty digesting certain types of carbohydrate, leading to symptoms such as gas, bloating, abdominal pain, constipation or diarrhoea.
Small studies in the UK and Australia have shown that the diet reduced symptoms in around 75% of IBS sufferers, which makes it a more successful approach than many other dietary or medical interventions. In a controlled study published some weeks ago in the Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, the low-FODMAP diet improved IBS symptoms in more than 80% of the adults tested (1).
FODMAP stands for Fermentable Oligo-, Di- and Mono-saccharides and Polyols. These are a group of short-chain carbohydrates and sugar alcohols present in food. They comprise fructose, lactose, fructans, galactans and polyols.

Certain foods are particularly high in FODMAPs. These include milk and unripened cheeses, which are rich sources of lactose, and wheat and rye which are high in fructans. Sources of galactans and polyols include legumes, some fruits, and sweeteners such as sorbitol and xylitol.

FODMAPS have a number of characteristics which can make them troublesome for those with IBS and other digestive problems.

They are poorly absorbed in the small intestine.
They tend to draw liquid into the gut, affecting movement in the gut.
They are quickly fermented by bacteria in the gut, producing gas and bloating.
The low-FODMAPs diet recommends eliminating all suspect foods for 6-8 weeks, and then gradually reintroducing these foods in order to identify which ones are causing digestive problems.

As the low-FODMAPs diet is rather restrictive, it is advised that those with IBS should only follow the diet under the guidance of a qualified health practitioner.

There are some potential drawbacks to the low-FODMAPs diet, which can be overcome with a little careful planning. For example, those restricting FODMAP foods should be sure to include other sources of fibre in their diet. Fibre is an important nutrient for bowel health, and this can be provided by grains such as quinoa and rice, as well as well-tolerated fruits and vegetables.

The FODMAP diet also excludes many ‘prebiotic’ foods, which help to feed good bacteria in the gut. Good bacteria help to produce vitamins, support the immune system and prevent the growth of harmful bacteria. It may therefore be helpful to include probiotic supplements or probiotic foods in order to help boost levels of good bacteria in the gut.

Written by Nadia Mason, BSc MBANT NTCC CNHC


1. Staudacher HM et al. Comparison of symptom response following advice for a diet low in fermentable carbohydrates (FODMAPs) versus standard dietary advice in patients with irritable bowel syndrome. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics. October 2011. 24(5):487-495

Monday, October 29, 2012

IBS - My Story


After years of struggle with IBS, I finally find myself in a place where I am in control of my life.  To this point IBS has been in charge.  It has affected my work, my social life, my family and my ability to function as a normal human being.

As a teenager I developed the usual skin problems and was prescribed the antibiotic ‘Oxytetracycline’.  Meant to be taken as a short course, I ended up taking it for four years constantly. Antibiotics and the stomach do not get along.  I was left with an utterly useless digestive system.  Every single time I ate, a fear would ensue that I’d have to rush to the closest bathroom.  Most times I’d make it, occasionally I would not.

As fellow sufferers will know, this then generates anxiety issues.  If I went anywhere I had to know that there were bathrooms available.  I had to avoid busy areas and tended to avoid unfamiliar places.  I did not wish to tell my friends and family why I was so stubborn about where I wished to go, this is not a problem that is easy to share, it’s embarrassing and hard to find any sort of empathy from those who are not blighted. 
The problems continued for some time before I visited the Doctor.  This time I was prescribed Codeine to solve the IBS.  Codeine works to a degree, however it takes a psychological toll and is horribly addictive, as I was to discover when I stopped taking them.

Then I met with a nurse.

She recommended a variety of ways to approach the IBS, firstly get off the antibiotics and codeine, secondly sort out my diet.  Like anything worthwhile the road to recovery was slow and often painful.  While my stomach improved, I was still left with anxiety issues.  Learning to trust your stomach is very difficult when it has been such an Achilles heel for so long.

Then I met a clinical psychologist.

She then took the physical improvements and taught  me techniques to relieve the symptoms of anxiety.  None of these issues work instantly, however the feeling of gradually clawing your life back is empowering and wonderful.

Along the way there have been many ups and downs, however it now feels as though I have won this battle, and this website is dedicated to helping others through a condition that is all too often dismissed. When IBS is at it’s worst it can utterly dominate your life.

I’ve spent a fortune on thousands of different products, had my hopes dashed time and again when presented with yet another miracle cure. I’ve looked at the psychological and the physical side of the condition and am now able to offer you the benefit of all that experience.

I can offer no miracle cure, no instant fix.  I can help you to improve your IBS, I can support you to improve your quality of life and I can be there for you through your highs and lows in a way that only a fellow sufferer can, with kindness and empathy.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Black and White ?

Black and White ?

It is a perfectly natural and understandable human response to favor simplicity.  Who would rather life were more complicated than it needed to be ?  Whilst it is understandable that we seek simplicity it is vital we acknowledge that sadly life is the opposite, most things are complicated and unique.  This is unequivocally true of IBS.

We have stated on a number of occasions the staggering complexity of the digestive system, what we have yet to further address is the implication on the individual.  More importantly the effect this has on the ways the symptoms are treated.

IBS can be something hereditary, or it can be developed later in life.  However you come to the situation whereby you need to treat your IBS, one thing is fairly certain, very few Doctors are able to isolate your issue.   There after you are left knowing that you have a condition whose symptoms cover most digestive dysfunctions, but you are not given a definitive way of dealing with those symptoms.  This gulf in knowledge means that by and large it is over to you to find the answers and  the fact that you are reading this suggests that you are already looking.  

Self Help

With so little truly known you have to become an IBS detective.   The sooner you are able to pin down your symptoms the sooner you will be able to deal with them.  We recommend that you use the website to do so  Whilst the site will  not instantly fix your IBS, it will give you places to start.

For example, it will list and state foods that are likely to cause you discomfort, remedies that are likely to help and methods of overcoming the psychological traumas of IBS.  Whilst these will help, they are only there as a guide and a starting point for your to discover how best to deal with your IBS.   Rather than broadly stating that we are able to fix IBS, we prefer to acknowledge that it will take time and determination.  This is because IBS can be so unique to each suffer, its cause can be unique, its symptoms can be unique. 

Do not delay, the sooner you get started on isolating and understanding your IBS the closer you are to gaining freedom from a condition which can create a prison like existence.   Gain you freedom from IBS, visit the site today.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Tell the truth

Tell the truth

This is a short blog from the heart.  Recently a relative has spent a small fortune visiting a highly respected practitioner having recently been diagnosed with IBS.  My relative is very well paid and intelligent and was able to use these resources to seek the very finest available help.

I was very interested to see how this went, only to find that over the course of two months the advice he was given was a watered down version of our own website.  My frustration is that I wish doctors and medical practitioners could be honest about how little we know still.


The digestive system is spectacularly complicated and whilst we know a lot more now, we do not know everything.  All to often we are given the impression that the medical profession is all knowing, well it is not.   Any one of thousands of issues could cause your IBS, it is unlikely in my lifetime that we will see a definitive cure or pill.  There are pills which can help, however they are not pills which have been developed for IBS, one of the most successful works as it has a side effect which has a beneficial quality for IBS.

Whilst we know an increasing amount about the digestive system, we simply urge caution. Lots of new products and lots of new advice appears out there daily, be careful of claims and be careful of throwing a fortune at products and services which will not help you.

In the meantime

Until we know and understand definitively what is behind IBS, we recommend that we face the honest truth.  The best way of watching our IBS, is through educating ourselves and learning what is and what is not good for the problem.  This varies person to person and is one of the reasons that blanket advice fails. 

Our website gives you practical, common sense free advice which will point you in the right direction.   The site will not give you a miracle cure, but it will help you to live your life to the full.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

IBS made me say 'no' - Now I'm a 'yes' man

The All New 'Yes Man'

IBS has a nasty little habit of occupying a corner of your mind.  It is from that corner that IBS can lead you down the road of abstinence.   It does so by eroding your own confidence in your ability to control your condition so much so that you start to reject opportunities.

This may sound like a bizarre opening salvo, however please allow me to explain.  Long term sufferers of severe IBS will generally build up a reserve of unpleasant memories.  Racing across town to find a bathroom, sometimes successfully, at other times not so.   Feelings of being in constant pain, from cramping and pressure.   Each of these emotions grow over the course of time, the net effect being that you may begin to avoid scenarios which have the potential to cause you distress.

Bathroom map

New places are a great example of places that cause distress, places that you have no idea where to find a bathroom.  Being with new people may cause anxiety, it is an embarrassing condition, you may not wish to let them know why you keep needing the bathroom.   These are just some examples, however the bottom line is that it leads to avoidance.

The easiest way to lead life, if you are a severe sufferer is through avoiding the situations which cause you the most stress.  This is known as Avoidant Personality Disorder (APD)    You may or may not suffer with this condition, you will most likely avoid certain situations.   

We must first start by saying that this is entirely understandable, why would you put yourself through a great deal of anxiety ?  Well, we are here to tell you why..........

Not a rehearsal 

Life is so short and so precious, that we can not afford to waste a day.  As a severe IBS sufferer, I must confess to wasting a huge chunk of my life.  I will never get that time back, much of that time was during the prime of my life, if I could lead my life again I would not have let IBS dictate my life.

My main order of avoidance centered around social engagements and travel.  I had a tendency to reject both for fear of IBS issues.   During this period my IBS was at its peak, and I constantly received dreadful advice on the condition.  To this day I cringe at some of the advice dished out and would like to re-iterate the point our site makes, which is that IBS is a condition which covers far too many symptoms, as a result you will read advice given with the best of intentions, which is utterly useless to you.

The goal should be to get your condition under control and to then start to live your life.  We do not recommend that you do it the other way round though, if you positively reinforce your negative feelings and fears then they will get worse.  We simply urge you to put everything into controlling your condition.  To do this we have a great deal of advice on our website, which should help you to find the right course of action.

Yes, Yes, Yes

In the last few years, I have managed to get the IBS under control.  One of the first things I have done is to start saying yes.   It is quite hard to get out of the no habit, it becomes an instant reaction.  Reminding yourself that you need to say yes and to get out and live life may take a little time, but it is so worth it.

Prior to a worsening of my IBS I had been a keen sportsman and traveler.  IBS put paid to many things, but it was these two passions that I missed the most.  I have always been a very social being too, that was also an area which suffered.

Since undertaking this philosophy I have done so many great things, in fact in the last two years some of the greatest days of my life have occurred.  From visiting amazing countries, to going to some quite unbelievable concerts and most importantly I have reconnected with friends.  It has been the joy of these wonderful occasions that made me so evangelical about creating a website, as I realized that there are many others out there like me, all receiving the same duff advice, who may also be crawling into a safety shell.

Don't Delay

The world is not perfect, but there are some wonderful people and places to see.  You may not realize how much IBS has effected you.  It may just be that gradually you seem to do less and less, and have not really considered why.

If I can offer an IBS sufferer any advice  it would be to learn how to control your symptoms.  It would seem that we are no closer to a miracle cure, so please do not hold out for one, I made that mistake.  If you can accept that there is no instant pill, then you can get on with enjoying this beautiful world, and making the best of every precious day. 2012

Tuesday, October 2, 2012 - Changes

Changes to Website

Please note that we have been working hard to improve the website.  We still have much more work to do, to improve the quality of the site, however please note that we have made the following changes:

  • New navigation to make it easier to follow
  • Introduction of 'Quick Guide' to take you to the key pages
  • Reduced content - we have edited out content to leave you with the key pages
  • New video content

Many more improvements are to follow, however we thank you for your feed back and intend to keep listening.

Many Thanks

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Man needs difficulties; they are necessary for health. Carl Jung

IBS Conditioning

Man needs difficulties; they are necessary for health.
Carl Jung

For severe IBS sufferers the difficulties of the condition relate to the inability to control when they need the bathroom.  This may begin as an entirely physical reaction, however over time this may become a conditioned response.

Conditioned responses are produced from the same process as demonstrated with the famous ‘Pavlovs Dogs’ experiment, whereby the dogs reacted in a certain way to certain stimuli.  Humans are no different, and certain conditions will produce responses that have been manufactured over time.

Fear is known to be the strongest emotion in regards to conditioned responses.  If you have had a bad experience/experiences you are likely to act in a certain way when faced with those conditions.

To put this in simpler and more relevant terms, a severe IBS sufferer will initially go through a process whereby they need the toilet urgently in a given situation - for example in a bus.  There will be a future sense of anxiety in any bus as a result of that one moment.  If this happens again the conditioning will increase, ensuring that over time a firm relationship is mentally established between needing the bathroom and being on a bus.

The most common is when there are no bathrooms, or non available.  You may not need the bathroom, physically, however when you see there are no available bathrooms, mentally you have become conditioned to suddenly and urgently need the bathroom.  The point to note here is that, rationally speaking this is nonsense.  If you did not need the toilet before it was being used then the reaction is not physical it is emotional.  This creates an opportunity to develop our mentality, to overcome this psychological barrier.

Overcoming conditioning is not easy, and in the first instance the most important feature is generating awareness that some of your problems are coming from your mind, not your body.   Any successful battle with IBS involves a physical and mental battle, however it must be a priority for you to discover what you are battling.  The slow painful process of a IBS sufferers conditioning will not be undone over night, however acknowledgement of the situation will without doubt assist your ability to live you life to the full.

Hypnotherapy is currently the best way of overcoming conditioning.  This is not the type of fairground hypnotherapy involving a swinging watch and chicken dance.  This is the type of hypnotherapy which aims to tackle the conditioning through suggestion and influence.  At the very least if you are able to acknowledge that at times your IBS is an emotional phenomena then you will be able to tackle it.

Visit :

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

IBS - New found freedom

There are so many things I now take for granted, that just a few years ago I could not do.   My life was so governed by IBS, that every thought and deed had to be passed by my internal IBS inspectorate.
I could not just whisk off for the weekend, I could not go to shows, I could not go to new places, everything was governed by IBS.  If I ever did any of the above spontaneous acts, they would be overshadowed by constant concerns.
I hate to think of the amount of my life wasted this way.  The opportunities I have spurned the people I have let down all over this frustrating condition.   Whilst I still have to make sacrifices I can not believe the position I am in today.
In the last year alone I have had some of the greatest experiences of my life, due to the ability to control my IBS.  It is not perfect, however I can hand on heart say that I have not rejected a single opportunity due to IBS.
This liberation came about gradually.  Nothing in this life is instant, and once you learn to be patient the benefits soon become apparent.  On the website you will find a huge amount of information.  This has been accumulated through a number of IBS sufferers, who have kindly shared their experiences.

That information will start you on a wonderful journey towards your own liberation from IBS.  Only sufferers understand the thought processes a sufferer endures, and they will recognize these emotions on the site.  The journey involves both physical and mental effort and is not remotely easy.  This post is just here to remind sufferers to make a change, don't be governed by IBS, life is precious and life is short, everyday that you allow your IBS to rule your life and deny you opportunities will be lost forever.  Visit, we are not selling you anything, we do not want your money, we just want to free as many sufferers as we can from the bonds of IBS.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

A smarter approach to IBS utilizes the very best information available to help IBS sufferers to control their symptoms.  Written exclusively by sufferers for sufferers, is able to offer an unique level of empathy and understanding. Physically and emotionally IBS creates a barrier to living life to the full and is dedicated to ensuring that sufferers are liberated from IBS, and are able to live the life that they wish to.

Take for example acidophilus .  Most of us are now conversant with the fact that the digestive system requires ‘friendly bacteria’.  If you have taken anti-biotics for example it then becomes imperative to replace those bacteria. Despite the fact that ‘acidophilus ‘ may be sold as an alternative medicine, it has a weight of scientific research behind its usefulness.  However many acidophilus products contain too few viable cells to make it to their desired destination, thus becoming a waste of money.

We make this point to highlight that takes an open minded approach to treating IBS, as long as any treatment has a scientific foundation or common sense  application. Many alternative medicines do help, however they may often overplay their effectiveness.  As a lifelong IBS sufferer selecting the right products to treat the conditions can become deeply frustrating due to the overblown claims of many products.  This website aims to stick exclusively to products and treatments that work..

Modern medicine can be just as frustrating as Alternative medicine.  Any physician would struggle to get to grips with an accurate assessment of many digestion issues without a level of specialization.  It has only been in the last twenty years that diet has taken such a large role in society and medicine, so whilst we are learning more day by day it is clear that we do not know everything just yet. will be writing in more detailed report on the science of the digestive system in the coming months. At this point we just wish to introduce you to our philosophy and standpoint on Modern and Alternative medicine.  A great deal of research has gone into the site to ensure that we offer the most considered opinion possible, and more importantly that the information within helps.  That is now and will always be the number one goal of