Tuesday, September 11, 2012

IBS - New found freedom

There are so many things I now take for granted, that just a few years ago I could not do.   My life was so governed by IBS, that every thought and deed had to be passed by my internal IBS inspectorate.
I could not just whisk off for the weekend, I could not go to shows, I could not go to new places, everything was governed by IBS.  If I ever did any of the above spontaneous acts, they would be overshadowed by constant concerns.
I hate to think of the amount of my life wasted this way.  The opportunities I have spurned the people I have let down all over this frustrating condition.   Whilst I still have to make sacrifices I can not believe the position I am in today.
In the last year alone I have had some of the greatest experiences of my life, due to the ability to control my IBS.  It is not perfect, however I can hand on heart say that I have not rejected a single opportunity due to IBS.
This liberation came about gradually.  Nothing in this life is instant, and once you learn to be patient the benefits soon become apparent.  On the website www.IBS-Health.com you will find a huge amount of information.  This has been accumulated through a number of IBS sufferers, who have kindly shared their experiences.

That information will start you on a wonderful journey towards your own liberation from IBS.  Only sufferers understand the thought processes a sufferer endures, and they will recognize these emotions on the site.  The journey involves both physical and mental effort and is not remotely easy.  This post is just here to remind sufferers to make a change, don't be governed by IBS, life is precious and life is short, everyday that you allow your IBS to rule your life and deny you opportunities will be lost forever.  Visit www.IBS-Health.com, we are not selling you anything, we do not want your money, we just want to free as many sufferers as we can from the bonds of IBS.

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